golden temple gurdwara sahib

General Temple Fund

1% funded

Building Together: Your Support for the General Temple Fund – Gurdwara

The light of compassion and service inherited from the Gurus continues to guide Sikhs globally towards justice and human dignity for all. But the road ahead remains long and arduous. 

Today, far too many still suffer the crushing burdens of war, discrimination, disease, poverty, hunger and homelessness. Our universal humanity calls on us to help lift these burdens. We must let our common bonds of love triumph over hatred and division. 

By donating to Sikh charities reaching out worldwide, you directly save lives and provide hope. Your contribution goes towards crucial on-ground relief that rebuilds lives from hurricane wreckage or war-torn cities. 

– It puts food in the hands of starving children and refugees. 

– It sends medical equipment and vaccines to remote villages. 

– It gives legal aid to fight religious persecution. It houses those with nowhere to sleep.

We have already shown the heights of human courage, sacrifice and vision realised when united for the greater good. 

Our collective compassion can conquer any darkness or despair. Let your heart be moved to donate whatever you can and kindle the light of chardi kala – relentless optimism and joyful resilience. 

Support Sikh aid organisations selflessly serving humanity wherever hardship exists. Honor the Gurus’ wisdom that service to humanity is service to the Divine. 

Be the ray of light in another’s life today.

Personal Info

Charity Number: 1184236

Barclays Bank PLC

Account Name: Gurdwara Baba Bhudda Sahib Ji (GBBSJi)

Sort Code: 20-66-51

Account Number: 8043 3977

Guru Ki Sewa Safal Hai Je Ko Kare Chitale

Donation Total: £5.00