Inner Own Peace

of the Middle Way

for Everybody
Sikh Holy Book

Guru Granth Sahib, The Holy Scripture of Sikhi
Oneness of God
– There is one supreme eternal creator, without form or gender. The universe was created by divine will, not human actions.
– All human beings are equal, regardless of caste, color, race, gender, or social status. Discrimination is rejected.
Honest living
– Living truthfully and earning livelihood righteously is emphasised. Practices like stealing, lying, and greed are prohibited.
Service and charity
– Selfless service to humanity (seva) and sharing earnings with the needy (dasvandh) are important. The Sikh ideals of sarbat da bhala (welfare of all) and langar (free community kitchen) promote charity.
Inner devotion
– Focus should be on meditating on God’s name (naam japna) rather than empty rituals. Attachment to illusions of Maya should be avoided.
– The saint-soldier concept balances spiritual devotion and social responsibility. Standing up against oppression is a duty.
Rights of women
– The Gurus promoted equality between men and women. Practices like sati (widow burning), purdah (wearing veil), and female infanticide were denounced.
Honest labor
– All work is equal and honest labor is glorified. The Gurus worked to earn their livelihood and rejected social hierarchies.
Moral living
– Virtues like compassion, forgiveness, contentment, humility and truthfulness are encouraged while lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego are warned against.
Interfaith harmony
The oneness of humanity is highlighted over religious divisions. Tolerance and respect for different faiths is advocated.
The Guru Granth Sahib provides spiritual guidance on how to live a meaningful life of truth, service and devotion to God. Its teachings form the basis of Sikh beliefs and practices.